UI Policy Regarding hazardous waste

Universitas Indonesia has a policy on waste disposal – Covering hazardous materials. UI regulates and issues policy on waste disposal within its environment. Included in the policy is hazardous material waste disposal. This policy is regulated on Rector of Universitas Indonesia Decree No. 1305/SK/R/UI/2011 on Trash and Hazardous and Toxic Material Waste Disposal Management Policy On The Campus of Universitas Indonesia.

and UI made some policies, especially on the use of plastic and paper containers for food and beverage. Rector Decree of Universitas Indonesia No. 1306/SK/R/UI/2011 on Restriction Policy for The Use of Hazardous and Toxic Materials (B3) for Food and Beverage Packaging On The Campus of Universitas Indonesia prohibits the use of plastic for food and beverage container

 Rektor 1305 – Kebijakan Pengelolaan Sampah B3 (1)


SK Rektor 1306 – Kebijakan Pembatasan Penggunaan Bahan B3 untuk kemasan makana dan minuman (1) SK