Policy for minimisation of plastic use in Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia has policies around use minimisation – Of plastic. Waste comes from human activities. The more human activity will increase the generation of waste. This will cause environmental health and public health problems. This problem certainly cannot be solved partially by just one party but requires the involvement of all parties. The university as an educational institution consists of elements, namely the academic community. The academic community must be involved in sustainable development on campus. The UI campus has a legal aspect that begins with the Rector’s Decree Number 1308 / SK / R / UI / 2011 concerning Policies to Reduce Paper and Plastic Use at the University of Indonesia Campus. On 21 December 2018, Rector of Universitas Indonesia release a Restriction of Plastic and Paper Uses. Subsequently, it was developed into Rector Regulation No. 4 of 2019 concerning the UI Zero Plastic Program. The UI Zero Plastic program is an effort to minimize the use/utilization of products, goods or services that cause plastic waste. In the Rector’s regulation number 4 on the Zero Plastic Program in the University of Indonesia Chapter II Part One and Second, the UI policy and commitment stated in reducing and eliminating plastic waste in the UI environment. This program not only applies to students and other UI members, but also to all people who are active in it, such as food vendors, guests, tenants, and passersby. The UI Zero Plastic Program socialization activity was carried out by the UPT K3L UI which aimed to increase UI awareness to reduce the use of disposable plastic in daily activities including PET bottles by means of socialization and campaigns to UI residents and urged all UI residents to bring food boxes personally if you want to buy food in the canteens of the campus environment. In implementing the program, UPT K3L UI invites other parties to actively participate in the success of this program. The success of the Zero Plastic Program at UI can be an example and also a representation for Indonesia. In addition, this activity is also in accordance with the objectives of SDG 12, namely Responsible Consumption and Production


SK Rektor 1308 – Kebijakan Mengurangi Penggunaan Kertas dan Plastik


Peraturan Rektor No 4 – Program Zero Plastic